Brentford born Beatrice was JWE and Mary Eliza Ransom’s 7th child. Born at 10PM on 13th June 1889. Beatrice was baptised on 28th July 1889 at St. Paul’s in Brentford. In the 1891 Census she appears with the rest of her family living at 142 The Butts, Brentford and later in the 1901 and 1911 census at 23 The Butts.
In 1911 Beatrice emigrated to Australia on the ship Orsova headed for Freemantle seemingly alone. She arrived on 13th June 1911.
Passenger vessel “Orsova”, built by John Brown & Co – Glasgow. Launched on 7 – 11 – 1908 and completed in May 1909, She took her inaugural voyage from London to Brisbane on 25 – 6 – 1909. Base Port: London Tonnage: 12036 gross Dimensions: length 552′, breadth 63′, draught 28′ Motive Power: two Brown quadruple expansion engines (14000IHP) Screws: Twin Service Speed: 18 knots Passenger decks: Four Crew: 350 Passengers: Initially 268 first, 120 second & 660 third class Livery: Black hull, white superstructure, yellow funnels & red boot topping Refer – “Ships that Passed” by Scott Baty This image shows vessel at Outer Harbour with Australian War brides, approximately early 1919.
On 17th January 1912 Beatrice was married to Henry Kallawk. The newspapers of the day captured the scene:
Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 2 Feb 1912 Page 3.
Moora was gay on Wednesday, 17th January, when Mr Henry Kallawk,the popular manager of M???g?ming Farm, led to the alter Miss Beatrice Ransom, youngest daughter of Mr Wm. and the late Mrs Wm. Ransom, of Brentford, Devonshire, England.The marriage was significant as the first ceremony of the kind in the new Church of England, the celebrant being the Rev. F. W. Gunning. The bride was tastefully attired in a dress of cream silk and the usual wreath and orange blossoms. The church was crowded. The brides-maids were Miss Doris McNamara and Miss Hilda Batt; Mr J. Cook was best man. Mr J.W. Barrar?c? presided at the organ. The bride and bridegroom with a number of friends were entertained by Mr and Mrs H. McNamara at the Commercial Hotel, where Host Lamzed had arranged a nice breakfast. The chair was taken by the Rev. Mr Gunning,who in a felicitous speech proposed the health of the bride and bride-groom, to which Mr Kallawk responded. The bridesmaids, proposed by Mr Lamzed, was responded to by Mr G. White. The toast of the best man and the chairman terminated the proceedings. Numerous presents were received.
By looking on the Trove website we can find out some of Beatrice’s life with Henry Kallawk. The family are mentioned many times in various articles. Here is one that mentions her husband to be Henry Kallawk. Taken from Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930), Friday 10 November 1911, page 5.
Beatrice lived in 4 main locations that we know of after arriving at Freemantle. Moora, Lake Grace, Wagin and Dumbleyung. She was also photographed with her sister Maud Savage (nee Ransom) during a meet up that took place in Perth possibly during the 1940’s.
Coming Of Age
On Saturday, June 8th, quite a large number of Lake Grace people assembled at the residence of Mrs. Kallawk in Bennett Street, to celebrate the coming of age of Miss Mona Downes. Practically the whole of the house had been cleared, for the purpose and even then, the hostess had a hard time finding room for her guests. The evening passed very pleasantly in games and dancing, and amid the host of balloons, streamers, caps and trumpets, the scene was a very gay one, and everybody had a very enjoyable time.
Mr. Jack Downes, apologising for the absence of his Uncle, undertook his duties in announcing the engagement of his sister Miss Mona Downes, to Mr. Jack Beattie, and wished the couple every happiness in the future. On behalf of the company present, Mr. Jack Bradshaw congratulated the young couple after which, Mr. Jack Beattie responded and thanked the company for their good wishes, and also thanked Mrs. Kallawk for her kindness in throwing open her house, and for her assistance in making the evening the gigantic success it was.
Mr. Arthur Edwards then proposed the health of Mrs. Downes, which toast was drunk with much gusto. Mr. J. Moran suitably responded on behalf of Mrs. Downes and Mrs.Kallawk. Judging by the number of beautiful gifts received by Miss Downes, this young lady is very popular In the district “and the same remarks apply to Mr. Jack Beattie who is also well liked in and around Lake Grace. We add our congratulations to the host of others received, and when the happy time arrives for their union in matrimony, we hope they will endeavour to remain In our town, and give us the further pleasure of their company.
A most tasty and beautifully arranged supper was spread, and the good things were well appreciated by the guests. Miss Downes then cut her birthday cake, which had been prepared by Mr. Cousins, of Wagin. In the wee sma’ hours, the party broke up after the singing of Auld Lang Syne, and all went to their homes, having spent a very pleasant and most enjoyable evening.
- Taken from Lake Grace Newdegate Cultivator and Dumbleyung and Kukerin Producer (WA : 1925 - 1930), Monday 17 June 1929, page 2
Beatrice had two sons with Henry Kallawk. They were Reginald William Henry Kallawk and Russell George Kallawk born 1920. Pictured below is Russell during his training during WWII. Russell was often referred to as R.G.Kallawk in any war related reporting.
Japanese Brides Greeted In Perth
A roar of welcome greeted the six Japanese brides of West Australian servicemen who arrived at the Perth railway station yesterday. Shy but smiling, the brides were embraced by relatives and friends of their husbands. Big bouquets of flowers were presented to several of the dainty little Japanese brides by their new families. The brides were soon chatting happily to their new-found friends. The meeting was a climax for the brides, who had travelled from Japan in the liner New Australia and across the continent by train to Perth.
The W.A. servicemen whobrought wives home with them are:Sgt. J. W. Wilkinson, of Darlot-crescent, South Perth; Sgt.R. G. Kallawk, of Lawler Street, South Perth; Cpl. D. H.Isard, of Fourth-avenue, Bassendean; Signalman W. Hall, of Lincoln-street, East Perth; Pte.A. W. Johnson, of Clayton Street, Narrogin; and Pte. R.Weiland, of South Perth.
Long Wait
To the parents of the soldiers yesterday’s meeting was the end of several years of waiting. Their daughters-in-law, however, were not complete strangers because they had corresponded since their marriages and had exchanged photographs. Sgt. Wilkinson’s mother summed up the feelings of other mothers-in-law when she said: “I am very happy to welcome my new daughter-in-law.” I know my son is very muchin love with her. “For us, it is a double reunion because my youngest son Billy, who is nearly five, has not seen his eldest brother until this morning.” Mrs. R. Weiland, of SouthPerth, and her mother, Mrs. R.A. Alliss, of Perth, greeted 23 year-old Eiko and her three year-old son John. She said: “This is indeed a happy day. “We hope to make Eiko, who will live with us, very happy.”
“All Mixed”
Eiko Weiland, who married her husband five years ago in Japan when he was a member of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force, said shyly that she was “all mixed.” She appeared to be overcomewith the warmth of her reception, as were most of the brides. Mrs. Welland was a trainee nurse with the occupation forces when she met her husband. Sgt. Kallawk’s wife, Helen,who was born in Los Angeles,U.S.A., returned to Japan seven years ago. She met her husband when she was working as a typist and interpreter for the B.C.O.F. Most of the brides, she said, spoke understandable English but were too shy and homesick to talk very much.
For the children of the Japanese brides, the welcome was overwhelming but there were no tears. Fond fathers-in-law and other relatives picked them up and proudly showed them to the rest of the families. They were soon making friends with the children of their fathers’ relatives. The various family parties quickly gathered together their belongings and left the station for their homes. Last night and tonight were set aside for family “welcome home” parties. The main party of Japanese brides was preceded by Cpl. H.M. Copeland, of Spence-street, Albany. He reached Perth by air on Saturday night with his 23-year old wife Noriko. His wife, educated at the Kure High School, speaks fluent English.
-Taken from West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 13 April 1953, page 1
Henry Kallawk appears to have been a regular M.C at various balls. This kaken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 18 Oct 1912 Page 4:
It also appears that H Kallawk (presumably Henry) made donations to the Moora District Hospital fund in 1911. Also note the name of another donor is Lamzed who arranged Henry and Beatrice’s wedding breakfast and also proposed a toast to their bridesmaids at their wedding – This taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 18 Aug 1911 Page 5:
Henry was also a keen sportsman playing cricket for Moora. Note the other cricketer’s names as a McNamara is listed – The McNamara’s arranged Henry and Beatrice’s wedding. This taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 18 Dec 1908 Page 5:
More cricket. Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 13 Mar 1908 Page 5:
A 17th February 1941 marriage between R. Kallawk and J Wnyte. Taken from The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 – 1954) Mon 24 Feb 1941 Page 3:
More cricket news. Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 14 Feb 1908 Page 4:
The Mysterious Disappearance of Thomas Tolhurst. Although unusual, Tolhurst is no relation to me but the article mentions H Kallawk and also that Tolhurst was the father of Mrs. McNamara (Lillian Evelyn Tolhurst , only daughter of Thomas Tolhurst of Moora married Harry McNamara June 25th 1909 in Perth) who was married to Kallawk’s cricket team mate McNamara.
Lillian Evelyn McNamara (nee Tolhurst) circa 1920.
The McNamara’s were also involved in Beatrice and Henry’s wedding so it enlarges the pool of people we know who knew them. This happens before Beatrice arrives in Australia. I wonder if Tolhurst was ever found? Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 20 May 1910 Page 3.
Here is another article on the disappearance of Tolhurst taken from The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 – 1950) Fri 13 May 1910 Page 4:
and another:
Birth announcement of a son for Mr and Mrs H Kallawk of Moora taken from The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 – 1954) Wed 26 Jun 1912 Page 1.
So where did Beatrice live when she first moved to Australia? The wedding details recorded in the local newspaper mention she married H Kallawk the manager of Mongaming Farm. It is currently unknown if she lived there.
Mongaming Farm
The above photo was taken on the junction of Balarong Road and Midlands Road, if we move back a space on Google Maps this is the view:
Beatrice arrives back home with new born son – taken from The Moora Herald and Midland Districts Advocate (WA : 1914 – 1930) Fri 20 Jul 1917 Page 3.
and this taken from Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 – 1954) Sat 29 Jun 1912 Page 23:
Moora Memories featuring H Kallawk – I have heard mention of a list that Moora Historical Society put out in 1980 called ‘Some Commemorated pioneers of the Moora District 1847-1917’. I believe this document could mention H Kallawk and possibly McNamara and Tolhurst as being some of the earliest settlers in Moora and this article seems to suggest that also. It could mean that Beatrice married one of the early settlers of Moora.
“Thanks” – I wonder what the trouble was. Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 11 Jan 1918 Page 2 Advertising.
A sale of goods in 1914 – Taken from The Moora Herald and Midland Districts Advocate (WA : 1914 – 1930) Tue 18 Aug 1914 Page 5 Advertising.
Taken from The Wagin Argus and Arthur, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace Express (WA : 1924 – 1954) Thu 19 Nov 1942 Page 3.
For Sale. Taken from The Moora Herald and Midland Districts Advocate (WA : 1914 – 1930) Tue 18 Aug 1914 Page 2.
Here is the announcement of the grandson of Beatrice – Kevin James Kallawk, son of Reg and Jean. Taken from The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 – 1954) Fri 6 Jun 1947 Page 1.
St. Patrick’s Day sports day. Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 29 Mar 1912 Page 6.
St. James anglican church, Moora. Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 7 Jun 1912 Page 5.
Closing of the 1908 cricket season. Taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 17 Apr 1908 Page 5.
The Commercial Hotel advertisement taken from The Midlands Advertiser (Moora, WA : 1907 – 1930) Fri 25 Aug 1911 Page 4. Beatrice and Henry had their wedding breakfast here.
The image above is a postcard I found on the internet from the era of Beatrice’s wedding (1912) so the writing is not hers.
Statement of Significance
The place demonstrates a way of life and associations with significant identities and people through time. The place has a considerable presence in the charcter and townscape of Moora and is a significant element n the streetscape.
Physical Description
A substantial double storey brick construction with a corrugated iron roof. the building has top floor verandahs and ground floor collonades along two street frontages and is truncated across the corner. A gable features on each street frontage. The Padbury Street gable has a dormer window. The Dandaragan Street feature is a brick and render parpet of considerable proportion in relation to the hotel. The verandah balustrade is a delicate diagonal lattice detail.
The hotel is located on the corner opposite the Post Office and the site of the Railway Station. Meetings of the Progress Association took place in the Commercial Hotel from when it opened. Lamzed held the license from 1908 to 1912 when he moved to the Queens Hotel in Beaufort Street. The Commercial Hotel was the centre for trade and commerce in Moora, with many sales and representatives using the hotel as a base. The builder; Liebe has the distinction of being the world’s largest induvidual wheat grower at the time. He also constructed His Majesties Theatre in Perth, the original Moora railway Station and other stations along the line.
In 1914 it was sold to a man with the wonderful name of Welbourne Keatley Lamzed, who arrived just in time to take advantage of a new source of customers: the men doing basic training at Blackboy Hill.
No one liked the way the YMCA was running the camp’s alcohol-free canteen, and a rival wet mess for the men was quickly shut down after wowsers complained to the newspapers that soldiers shouldn’t be allowed a pint after a hard day’s training. So the Darling Range Hotel, newly renamed and redecorated, was one of the few sources of beer for the men.
However, someone started a rumour that Mr Lamzed was (whisper it now) a German, and no patriot should be drinking in his venue. The rumour was, of course, a complete lie, Lamzed was born in East London, much to the relief of those doing their training. In fact, he had supplied the short-lived wet canteen at Blackboy Hill, and argued that men should drink at the camp, rather than coming to the Darling Range Hotel, since there would be less temptation to go AWOL after a few glasses.
And Lamzed said he didn’t really want all the new customers anyway, since he had bought the pub as a quiet retreat to live out an easy life after a career spent in the construction trade. As a side note, Lamzed had erected Boans first ever store, so he has more than one claim to fame.
But the wowsers won the day, the wet canteen stayed closed, and the Darling Range Hotel became the main drinking hole for those ANZACs about to serve overseas.
Today you drink in a new tavern built at the back of the old building, which has lost much of its charm with the loss of the verandahs. But that’s still no excuse for knocking over part of our military and boozing history. Go have a drink there. Take a selfie outside the original hotel, and tell JDAP to keep their planning paws off one more piece of our heritage.”
Below the same building in more recent times.
Beatrice was a dressmaker by trade from a young age. It is listed on one of the census’ back in Brentford and continued through her time in Australia. The following is taken from The Southern Argus and Wagin-Arthur Express (Perth, WA : 1905 – 1924) Fri 17 Jun 1921 Page 2.
and this from The Southern Argus and Wagin-Arthur Express (Perth, WA : 1905 – 1924) Fri 9 Dec 1921 Page 2:
Henry Kallawk drove a Dodge in 1928 – taken from The Wagin Argus and Arthur, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace Express (WA : 1924 – 1954) Thu 27 Sep 1928 Page 4.
The following could mean that any photographs or letters from Brentford that Beatrice may have owned may have been lost due to fire. Taken from The Wagin Argus and Arthur, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace Express (WA : 1924 – 1954) Thu 16 Apr 1931 Page 4.
Beatrice moved from Wagin to Dumbleyung in 1922 as can be seen here taken from The Southern Argus and Wagin-Arthur Express (Perth, WA : 1905 – 1924) Fri 9 Jun 1922 Page 2
Then she changed her consultation day 6 months later to Saturdays. Taken from The Southern Argus and Wagin-Arthur Express (Perth, WA : 1905 – 1924) Fri 22 Dec 1922 Page 2.
Beatrice made a donation of vegetables to Dumbleyung Hospital in 1937 as can be seen here taken from The Wagin Argus and Arthur, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace Express (WA : 1924 – 1954) Thu 24 Jun 1937 Page 5.
Christmas Tree taken from The Wagin Argus and Arthur, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace Express (WA : 1924 – 1954) Thu 25 Dec 1930 Page 4.
Beatrice’s son Russell did a recitation in church in 1930. Taken from The Wagin Argus and Arthur, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace Express (WA : 1924 – 1954) Thu 25 Sep 1930 Page 5.
Beatrice and her children Reg and Thelma attended a December 1926 fancy dress party in fancy dress:
Then again a few months later in May 1927:
Beatrice’s son Reg Kallawk’s wife wife take a holiday at her parents house in Ballidu. Taken from Wongan-Ballidu Budget (WA : 1939 – 1954) Fri 2 Aug 1946 Page 1.