The reburial of James (known as William) and Mary Ransom took place at 11:00AM Tuesday 27th July 2021 at Brandwood End Cemetery, Birmingham, England. I arrived with my Dad Clive, Mom Daphne and wife Lisa. At 10:50 3 cars arrived at the gates headed by the car carrying William and Mary, it was an incredible feeling – a sense that ‘they were here’. For the first time ever I felt like I had actually known them and here they were, not forgotten by future generations.
The conductor explained that they themselves were not local and had transported William and Mary themselves from London to Birmingham. He explained what was to happen next and I agreed with them that I would take a few photographs in order to share with the family of William and Mary who lived across the world. We followed them through the cemetery until we reached the last part and for the final stretch to the grave the conductor got out of the head car and walked in front with his top hat and cane. The weather luckily held out as it had threatened to rain. We gathered around the grave as the pallbearers lowered the coffin and the conductor took two flowers from the bunch my wife had taken with us and placed them atop the coffin. We said a few words and threw some soil on top of the coffin. A few moments were spent contemplating the journey that had brought us here and the family we had met because of William and Mary. Then we left.
Over the next 12 months the local stone mason will check the condition of the ground and replace the original stone work and also incorporate the headstone of William and Mary into the top of the grave.