James G Young was JESA’s nephew born July 1935 and died 19th August 2020. He was known as Jim Young. Jim was the son of William Young and Florence May Appleby (JESA’s sister).
Jim was also sent to Fairbridge Farm School in Molong and he was on Daphne and her brother Victor Brown’s ship. They left Glasgow, Scotland on 31st March 1948 headed to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Daphne later went on to marry Norm Appleby. Jim was my first cousin once removed.
Peter Bennet, another child at Fairbridge Farm School, Molong recalled in his later life the following regarding Jim Young:
“Some of the kids were good and smart in school, but the majority of us like Steven Blundell and Jimmy Young went into the Army – Ted Tepper got them into the Army.
Ted Tepper was an ex-Army man and he got them in, which they shouldn’t have got there. The first report of Ted Tepper came back to Ted Tepper of Steven, “We’ve had to teach this boy how to read and write.” And he’d had ten years at Fairbridge.”
Peter Bennet – at his home in Sydney, Australia on 15th February 2006